Survival Analysis

The cancellation of accounts provides a direct application of survival analysis. This kind of analysis is usually used to estimate customer lifetime values. In this framework, customers are considered to have "died" when they cancel their policy, and the patterns in claims indicate whether the customer is alive. For example, a customer who regularly makes a claim every 2-3 months for years is probably still around if their last purchase was a month ago. A customer who set up their policy, make a bunch of claims, then went quiet for a year-less likely "alive". We use the lifelines and lifetimes python packages to assist in this analysis.

We will utilize 3 traditional features for this analysis:

  1. Frequency-The total number of claims - 1
  2. Recency-The time difference between the first and last claim
  3. T-Equivalent to the lifespan variable, total age of the account, or time between the cancel date and enroll date if canceled.

Survival analysis gives us an opportunity to predict future claims. Figure 1 shows the expected number of purchases/day, as a function of frequency and recency. Broadly speaking, only high recency (indicating purchasing over large time frames) leads to a likely to continue to make claims. A high frequency further increases this likelihood, however recency is the dominating factor.

Predicted future purchases
Figure 1 - Predicted future purchases for a customer, based on their frequency and recency. High frequency indicates many claims filed, and high recency indicates these were filed over a long period of time.

Figure 2 shows the likelihood that a customer is "alive" given purchasing habits. Clearly high frequency and recency indicate an active and happy customer that will keep returning, but we see that even a low frequency customer with low recency stands a good likelihood of being alive.

Likelyhood a customer is alive
Figure 2 - Probability that a customer is still "alive", and will not cancel their policies at this point. While Purchases over a large period of time indicate a customer likely to remain "alive", few purchases over time indicate a customer may still be sticking around.

To see how this behavior changes over time, we can watch the likelihood of being alive for a few individual cases. In Figure 3, we watch the creation and "death" of a policy. We see when the account is created, the policy is definitely alive (P=1), and shortly claims are filed. Each time a claim is filed the likelihood of being alive jumps higher, however the likelihood of the policy remaining alive decays. After June 2016 the frequent purchases stop, and the account seems to have died. This is followed by a spike in purchases, increasing the recency and frequency-until the last claim, when the account looses activity, and the policyholder becomes very likely to leave.

Probability an account is alive
Figure 3 - The likelihood of an account being alive as a function of time, for a sample policy. We see that as claims are filed (indicated by the red lines), the frequency and recency increase, increasing the likelihood of the account remaining active. This likelihood decays over time, with large gaps of inactivity leading to highly probably death.

Figure 4 is the same as Figure 3, but for a different policy. This one is in stark contrast to the behavior in 3, where the policyholder

Probability an account is alive
Figure 4 - The likelihood of an account being alive as a function of time, for a different sample policy than in Figure 3. This policy had a burst of claims shortly after account creation, then no activity. This lack of activity makes it more likely that the account will be canceled.

Next, we look at the survival function of the entire population, S(t). The survival function is a measure of the the number of policies that "survive" until time t. This is important due to data censoring, or the effect where we will see some cancellations, and not others, due to the time limited nature of our data. Any policies that have not canceled by the end of our time set (that we are predicting the cancellations for), are considered right-censored. The survival function is calculated at each time by examining the number of policies that were alive at time t, and the number that canceled at time t. This is a way to include the censored data, and include it into our analysis, despite the fact we do not see their cancellations.

We show the survival function of our entire population in Figure 5, using the Kaplan–Meier estimator. We see that half of the policies are expected to survive to the 12 year mark (~4500 days) from the provided data. Note it is entirely possible that this does not reflect normal behavior, depending on how the data set provided was selected. We already saw cancellations were limited to 2016, so there may be unknown, hidden biases in the data. That notwithstanding, this is the expectations we have for our population to survive past a given time.

Figure 5 - Kaplan-Meier estimated survival function for our entire data set. This demonstrated the likelihood of a policy existing past time t.

Survival functions are powerful tools, they can be used to estimate policy lifetimes and customer lifetime values. Some estimators even allow for the creation of individual survival curves based on the input features. In Figure 6 we show an individual survival function for a typical policy (recency of 130 days, frequency of 3), using two different estimators. Figure 7 shows the same estimators, but for a policy with no purchases. Note how policies with purchases tend to last longer than policies without purchases.

Individual survival function
Figure 6 - The survival function of a typical policy with claims filed.

Individual survival function
Figure 7 - The survival function of a policy with no claims filed. Clearly less active accounts lead to quicker declines in usage.

We see these policies have a long estimated lifespan. In fact, attempting to estimate the average lifetime of just about every policy gives something in the thousands of days, and the survival functions fail to estimate the lifetimes. We plot our attempts at this in Figure 8, which compares the real lifetime to that predicted from the survival functions. If there was even a rough linear correlation we could say this model could be useful, but it clearly fails to predict the lifetimes.

Preditions for the whole lifetime
Figure 8 - Full lifetime predictions, against the real lifetime of policies. This model completely fails to predict the real lifetime.

The above prediction is for the total lifetime. It's reasonable to expect the largest uncertainty when predicting such a large value, so maybe it would be more reasonable to estimate the remaining lifetime from the survival function. We show this in Figure 9, which shows the real remaining lifetime, and predicted remaining lifetime, for different months using the test data set. A keen eye may notice the predicted values only slightly shift from month to month. This is clearly another failed attempt to predict the lifespan.

Predictions for the partial lifetime
Figure 9 - Predicted remaining lifetime, at the start of different months. Even when predicting small timescales, the survival function predicts lifespans on the order of thousands of days.

We took this survival function, and tried predicting the likelihood of canceling in certain months. This is found by integrating over the survival function in the time frame of interest. This provided little help, as the survival functions predict a less than 5% chance of cancellation for all policies, for all months. Clearly this functions fails. The methods for analysis are simple so this does not seem to be in the implementation.

This may be due to the approach we are using. Lumping all the data into one model may be erroneous. We have two sets of data that may demonstrate different behavior. Roughly a third of the policies have filed claims, with the remaining have never filed a claim. If these demonstrate different behavior, it may cause the predicted lifetimes to be off. We thus break our data set into two different sets, those with claims filed, and those that don't have claims filed, and plot the predicted lifespans of the two sets in Figures 10 and 11. The models were trained on 80% of the data in both cases, and predicted on 20% of the holdout (predicting only on data we see the cancellation for). We see with this split, the Aalen Additive Fitter struggles, but the Cox Proportional Hazard Fitter performs relatively well over the whole range in both cases.

Predicted lifespans for policies with claims
Figure 10 - Predicted lifespan for policies with claims. This shows a clear improvement over the previous predictions. The blue points are predictions using Cox's model, and green point using Alan's. The Cox model performs well, though is slightly skewed from the 1:1 red line.

Predicted lifespans for policies with no claims
Figure 11 - Predicted lifespan for policies with no claims. As in the case where claims are present, we see an improvement over the previous predictions. The blue points are predictions using Cox's model, and green point using Alan's. The Cox model performs well, though is slightly skewed from the 1:1 red line. This is the same behavior as we saw for the data with claims.

We see that splitting the data, and then modeling it, causes the predicted lifespans to drastically improve over the group set. We will compare these models to a general machine learning model, in our results section. First, we must generate our Machine Learning Model.