Observing at Apache Point Observatory

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The Mass mAp Generator for the Multidark Suite (MAGNMS) is designed to take a PMss file from the MultiDark suite of simulations, and convert it to a FITS surface density map compatible with Ben Metcalf's GLAMER code.

The code uses CMake to compile the code. A CMakeLists.txt is included in the repository, but will require modification for each user's system.

This program takes an input file (extractInfo.dat or file given as command line argument) for input parameters to write FITS mass maps from simulations. Each argument must be listed, and the value seperated by whitespace. Accepted variables can be found in the readme.

The general procedure of the code is outlined below:

  1. Read the user input from extractInfo.dat
  2. Perform internal checks for directories
  3. Read the halo catalogs, write a short file of valid halos for faster read in based on user constraints
  4. Read in the particles from PMss files, save as array into memory. The PMss files will be searched for in the partDir directory, and search based on recognized file patterns with the snapNum and PMss first and last values. Additionally, the memory usage here is extreme, be mindful of memory usage of your computer before running.
  5. Generate link list of particles
  6. Link particles and halos, writing output FITS files -Particles go in Rvir, FOV box, or integration list sets -Writes images with headers and FITS mass maps, with no smoothing -Calculates the orientation of the halo, writes to the header

MAGNMS can be downloaded at my Github page, where you'll find more documentation and details, as well as tools I use for analyzing the mass maps.

Below is a sample image, generated from a 2D surface density map from MAGNMS (10 h-1 Mpc FOV)