Machine Learning Lifetimes

Here we will model the predicted lifetimes, using a machine learning approach. Generally machine learning is not the favored method, as the trained data relies on the cancellation data only, and can not easily take into account data we do not observe the cancellation on. Nonetheless, we can draw a comparison between the survival analysis and machine learning predictions.

As we did in the survival analysis, we break our model into two sets. One where claims were filed, and one where claims were not filed. The set with no filed claims contains two features, the premium, and the total premium paid to date. The set with claims filed contain 14 features, the two from no claims, a flag for whether there were multiple claims, the number of claims, the number of claims/month, the claim spread, the fraction of claims paid, the amount paid per month, the amount paid per claim, and the premium relative to the amount of claims. These were nearly all some z-scaled logarithm of the actual values. We show the correlation of these variables all together in (the very crowded) Figure 1.

Correlation of the multiple claims variables
Figure 1 - Correlation of the variables in the dataset with filed claims. Given the large amount of overlap in the way the variables were constructed, we see lots of strong correlation and anti-correlation in the data.

We test numerous ML models on our data, with an 80/20 train/test split. We test a Support Vector, Elastic Net, Random Tree, Random Forest, Bagging Regressor, Adaboosted Regressor, and Neural Network. After cross validation on 20% chunks of the training set, we choose to focus on the SVR, Random Forest, and Neural Network regressor, which performed best in preliminary tests.

We show the results of the predicted lifetime against the real lifetime of the test data for the data set with claims in Figure 2. Again, this is limited to predicting for the data we have the cancellation information for, not for data where the lifespan extends outside of 2016. We show our three models, as well as the average prediction for all three.

ML lifespan predictions
Figure 2 - Predicted lifespans for our machine learning algorithms, for the data with claims filed. Overall each algorithm catches the trend over several orders of magnitude. For data with a lifespan of less than 100 days there is considerable spread, as well as some clear systematic deviations for lifespans greater than 1000 days.

If we instead look at the predictions for the data where claims were not filed, we get the results seen in Figure 3. This shows a similar, tight trend over several orders of magnitude, as in Figure 2.

ML lifespan predictions
Figure 3 - Predicted lifespans for our machine learning algorithms, for the data with no claims filed. Overall each algorithm catches the trend over several orders of magnitude. For data with a lifespan of less than 100 days there is considerable spread, as well as some clear systematic deviations for lifespans greater than 1000 days.

While the machine learning model is limited to training using only cancellation data, it at least performs well when tested against other cancellation data. We will compare these models to the survival function analysis in our next section, Results.