Exploring the Data

The dataset includes information for 100,000 policies. For the policy data, we have each policy's monthly premium, enroll date, and cancel date (if applicable). We also have claim data for these policies, including claim date, dollar amount for a claim, and the amount payed for the claim. This seemingly small amount of data provides an extreme amount of information.

Starting with the policy data, we quickly see there are ~13,000 cancellations, leaving us with a little over 1000 cancellations/month. This will be an important check in our final analysis. The enroll dates span from December 2000-December 2016, with cancel dates spanning through 2016, which tells us how this data was selected. We define the lifespan of a policy holder as the time between enrollment and cancellation of the policy, or, the time between the enroll date and the end of our data set. We see the kernel distribution of the lifetime of policies in Figure 1. The policies without cancellations show a fairly even distribution between 30 and 400 days, this demonstrates most of the accounts we have to predict on are less than about a year and half old. Of the accounts that cancel, most cancel relatively early, rather than when the account has existed for a long time.

Kernel distribution of lifespan
Figure 1 - Kernel distribution of the lifespan of policies, in days. While the true distribution does not extend outside of the 0-400 day range, though appears to due to the smoothing. Canceled policies tend to cancel after only a few months.

There are 5 policies with no monthly premium. These are policies we need to predict, and we don't have claim information for them. We will have to fill these with the median premium for the time being. Figure 2 shows the log distribution of the monthly premiums. This shows a fair lognormal trend, centered around $30 dollars a month.

Monthly Premium Distribution
Figure 2 - Histogram of the log of the monthly premium. The distribution has a generally lognormal distribution.

A cursory exploration of the claims set show ~145,000 claims, averaging about 1.5 claims per policy. Interestingly, we see a negative claim amount. The amount paid out was 0, and there are numerous claim with 0 value. We will set this negative value as 0, for now. Fortunately, we see no payments that are greater than the claimed amount. Figure 3 shows the distribution of claimed amounts, and Figure 4 the distribution of paid amount.

Claim Distribution
Figure 3 - Distribution of claim amounts. Though the distribution is roughly lognormal, it appears to have a slight skew, as well as a patch of 0 dollar claim amounts.

Payment Distribution
Figure 4 - Distribution of payment amounts. There are clearly a significant amount of claims that are denied. For claims that are paid, the lognormal distribution is heavily skewed, and centered lower than for the claim distribution.

Here we can begin creating features. One interesting feature may be the fraction of claims paid. We do this by totaling the amount of claims per policy, and the total of the amount paid, and dividing the total paid by the total claims per policy. It's useful to break this up by Canceled and uncancelled policies and compare. We show this as another kernel density plot in Figure 5. For uncancelled policies, there is a relatively even spread. Interestingly, the Canceled policies show peaks at a few values,

Fraction of claims paid
Figure 5 - Kernel density plot for the fraction of the total claims paid, per policy. Though the Canceled policies show a few peaks in the distribution, it does not show a significantly different trend from the non-Canceled policies.

Next, we can look at the number of claims made per policy. Upon exploration, we see there can be multiple claims per day. While we could leave this as is, there is some benefit to reducing this value so there is only one claim in a day. This changes multiple claims, to claim "events". Easily one event could lead to multiple claims (multiple shots, sedatives + operation, etc.), whereas they can be simplified to related to the same cause (needs their immunizations, injured a leg, etc.). To distinguish between someone who uses the insurance a lot and someone who just had to individually claim a lot of items for one event, we will only permit one event per day. Claims may still be related on low day timescales, but this is unavoidable. With this as our definitions for the number of claims, we see the distribution of claims in Figure 6. When combining claims per day, we lump the claimed amount and payed amount together, in future analysis.

Number of claims
Figure 6 - Distribution of the number of claims, only considering one claim per day. This allows claims to be considered as more of "events".

With our claims set as events, we can look at the spread of time between events for people with multiple claims. For every policy with multiple claims, we find the difference between these claims for each policy in days, and fit a normal distribution to the spread in days. While we do not assert this distribution should follow a Gaussian distribution for an individual policy, the standard deviation gives an idea as to how often a policyholder will use their insurance. We call this standard deviation the claim spread, and it varies wildly. We show another kernel density plot for the claim spread, between Canceled and non-Canceled policies in Figure 7. We see the Canceled policies show a fairly even distribution in the claim spread, whereas policies that don't cancel show a long term peak. This has a few possible interpretations. As many of the canceled policies don't have a long lifetime, they are less likely to have a long distribution in days between claims. Also, if a customer is less likely to file claims on long timescales, they may choose to cancel.

Claim Spread
Figure 7 - The claim spread, or standard deviation of normal fit to difference of days between claims. Policies that do not cancel can have a longer lifetime, allowing the high end peak, while simultaneously filing a claim later may drive users to not cancel a useful policy.

We use these features in our machine learning algorithm. When fed into the algorithms, we use z scaling to scale normal features, and min/max normalization on non-normal features. We won't go into further detail, and instead will focus on more interesting analysis. The next step: Survival Analysis.