Feature Scaling

It is always useful to visualize and explore the data before performing any modeling. We combine the exploration and data scaling in this section. Scaling is very important for many machine learning algorithms, so we will scale all of our continuous variables. We focus the scaling analysis on the data we trained our models on, to avoid biasing test results.

I focus in this section primarily on the distributions of the features, rather than correlation or scatter plots between trends. Quote information is incredibly noisy, and attempts at these lead to one of two things: either plots showing little to no correlation due to daily noise, or apparent high correlation, as the market is always tending towards an overall increase, and all trends point this way. We will save examination of trends for the analysis section.


We will start with the percent difference between the closing and opening price for the day, denoted diff_co. We display the histogram of this distribution in Figure 1. Examining a few cases, we see FDP is almost entirely contained within ± 5%, whereas BA is spread to within a ± 10% range.

Percent difference between close and open
Figure 1 - Distribution of percent difference between the daily close and open prices for 15 of our samples. There are clear differences in diff_co distribution for different stocks.

With all these different distributions, it is useful to look at the combination of these distribution, as we do in Figure 2. We wind up with a normal distribution, with the bulk of the distribution falling within that ± 5%.

Bulk difference between close and open
Figure 2 - Histogram as in Figure 1, but combined for all quotes.

The distribution of all the diff_co values show a clear normal distribution. We perform a z-scaling on the normally distributed data, as seen in Figure 3. The scaling performed is a custom scheme, where we omit data points on the furthest extreme, and renormalize. This is repeated until the new fits perform minimal change in the distribution.

Rescaled difference between close and open
Figure 3 - Z-scaled distribution of diff_co, for all quotes.


Similar to the analysis we performed for the difference between close and opening prices, we generated a feature for the percent difference between daily high and lows, diff_hl. The distribution of values is exclusively negative by design, and skewed towards higher diff_hl, as can be seen in Figure 4. We perform z-scaling on the diff_hl, as can be seen in Figure 5.

Difference between daily highs and lows for all quotes
Figure 4 - Histogram of the cumulative difference between daily high and low prices, for all quotes. The distribution is slightly skewed towards larger values.
Z-scaling of diff_hl
Figure 5 - Z-scaled distribution of diff_hl.


The distribution of momentum, as with diff_co and diff_hl, varies greatly depending on the company. This can be seen in Figure 6, which shows the 3 day momentum of the percentage of the closing price (arguably the shortest possible momentum measurement).

Short term momentum
Figure 6 - 3 day momentum of the percent change in closing price for multiple quotes. Momentum is not usually used on such short timescales, though is illustrative of the differences.

Again, we combine the momentum distributions (Figure 7) before z-scaling the data.

Cumulative short term momentum
Figure 7 - Cumulative 3 day momentum of all quotes. As with the diff features, we see the cumulative distribution is normal in shape. For each momentum window, we use a different mean and standard deviation for the z-scaling.

Bollinger Bands

The Bollinger Bands have a unique distribution. Figure 8 shows the distribution of the daily value relative to the 25 day mean bands. A value of 1 (-1) indicates the daily close is at the upper (lower) band. As can be seen, there is typically a double peak in the distribution, with significant variation in the shape of those peaks.

Distribution showing price relative to 25 day Bollinger Bands
Figure 8 - Distribution showing close price relative to 25 day Bollinger Bands for a selection of quotes. Though a double peak appears to be present at ± 0.5, the positive 0.5 peak tends to be larger.

Combining these distributions, we see our first significantly non-normal distribution in Figure 9. We decide to use a unique scaling for the Bollinger Bands, with uniform treatment for all band windows we utilize. We z-scale using a mean of 0, and standard deviation of 0.65 across all bands we choose. This was selected by calculating the standard deviation for the distribution, and modulating the scaling value so roughly 95% of the data was within 2 standard deviations. A non-traditional z-scaling, but more than sufficient to fill our scaling needs.

Cumulative distribution of Bollinger Bands for select quotes
Figure 9 - Cumulative distribution of multiple quotes' 25 day Bollinger Band calculations.

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength Index gives a measure of the total gains in the closing price, relative to the total losses in the closing price, over a window of time. The simple mathematical form of this is

RSI = 1 - 1 / ( 1 + A / B )

Where A = average gains in window, and B = average losses in window. Due to the nature of this definition, there is a hard cutoff at 0 and 1, with values typically winding up around 0.5. We show a 15 day RSI in Figure 10 (typically 14 days is used).

15 day RSI distribution
Figure 10 - 15 day RSI for a selection of stocks. Most distributions peak around 0.5.

We combine the distributions in Figure 11, and the cumulative distribution almost resembles a normal distribution. Like the Bollinger Bands, this requires a unique normalization. We could perform a min-max normalization, bringing the distribution from -1 to 1, but given the shape of the distribution it seems appropriate to perform another custom z-scaling. Fitting 95% in two sigma, we use a mean of 0.5 and standard deviation of 0.2 to z-scale all RSI features.

Cumulative 15 day RSI
Figure 11 - Cumulative 15 day RSI for a selection of stocks. The distribution almost looks like a skewed normal distribution, but this is not the case.

Log Closing Price

Finally, we perform another custom normalization for the base 10 logarithm of the closing price. The closing price lies between $10 and $1000 for almost all common stocks, and for everything in our distribution. This places the log between 1 and 3, so subtracting 1.5 puts most our log prices between -1 and 1. With this I play more loosely, as this will most likely serve as a damping term, where more or less expensive prices lead to steeper or flatter trends.

Next up: Training ML Algorithms