Filling close values from rolling means

Interpolation Scheme

We now have predictions for the rolling means, of days 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. As the quote are only for weekdays, this puts our predictions at a little over a month out. To generate predicted close values, we can use the knowledge of the most recent close, the subsequent rolling mean, and the rolling means afterwards to estimate the closing price for every day.

Starting with the first block, the concept is simple-between the closing value, and the predicted 3 day mean, we know what the average value must be between those days. We start by placing the middle day in an N day window at the predicted mean value. Then from the low endpoint, we set the high endpoint so that (high+low)/2=mean of the chunk. With the low, high, and midpoint set, we use a cubic spline to interpolate the rest of the points. We later introduced a tuning parameter, designed to pull the endpoints closer to the weighted mean to smooth the curve, after finding the predictions had systematic jumps at the endpoints.

This method provides a smooth curve, approximating the trend of the prices with good accuracy. As a demonstration of this process, we plot below in blue the actualy closing prices, and in red our interpolation scheme for the true rolling means (before the tuning parameter introduction). We by no means expect to match the day to day trends, but look to capture the underlying trend.

Demonstration of interpolation process
Figure 1 - Interpolation scheme, implemented by using the true rolling means of the distribution. The jump at eight and 10 days are due to jumps at endpoints, and the reason we added a tuning parameter.
Demonstration of interpolation process
Figure 2 - Another interpolation scheme, implemented by using the true rolling means of the distribution.

Smothing Noisy Predictions

With the interpolation scheme up and running, we now would like to implement it on the predicted rolling means. Unfortunately, we require a few more steps before we can begin the interpolation. To see why, let's examine the output of our preditions. Figure 3 shows the predicted 3 day rolling mean of the data, compared with the true 3 day rolling mean, for an arbitrary window of time. Without introducing any metrics, we can see the predictions (red) generally match the true trends (blue).

Predicted 3 day rolling mean
Figure 3 - Predicted 3 day rolling mean of the close price, vs the true values.

If, however, we look at the 30 day mean, as in Figure 4, we see there is a huge contribution due to noise in the predicted 30 day mean. The noise is worst at the largest rolling mean, but becomes significant around the 10 day prediction. If we perform the interpolation using these values, the noise will cause our predicted values to vary wildly.

Predicted 30 day rolling mean
Figure 4 - Predicted 30 day rolling mean of the close price, vs the true values.

To adjust for this, we can smooth the data, by taking a rolling mean over a number of previous days to smooth out the noise. While this constricts the number of days we can make predictions over, it greatly removes the uncertanty of the predictions.

We introduce smoothing and shifting on the predicted rolling means, choosing parameters that minimize the standard deviation in the fractional deviation, given by pred/true-1. We show some of the new predictions in the below figures. The left panel is as in Figures 3 and 4 above, with the white line indicating the close price, blue the true rolling mean, green the prediction from our Adaboost Regressor, and the Red our new prediction, after smoothing and shifting. The right panel is the difference between predictions and the true rolling mean, with the prediction's means and standard deviation on top, for both the Adaboost prediction and new adjusted predictions.

Smoothed 10 day rolling mean predictions from the Adaboost regressor
Figure 5 - Left: Smoothed 10 day rolling mean predictions (red), overlaid on top of the prediction (green), true rolling mean (blue), and closing value (white). Right: Difference between the smoothed predictions and rolling mean (red), and predictions and rolling mean (green). The top lists the mean and standard deviation in the difference for the predictions (left), and for the smoothed differences (right).
Smoothed 20 day rolling mean predictions from the Adaboost regressor
Figure 6 - Left: Smoothed 20 day rolling mean predictions (red), overlaid on top of the prediction (green), true rolling mean (blue), and closing value (white). Right: Difference between the smoothed predictions and rolling mean (red), and predictions and rolling mean (green). The top lists the mean and standard deviation in the difference for the predictions (left), and for the smoothed differences (right).
Smoothed 30 day rolling mean predictions from the Adaboost regressor
Figure 7 - Left: Smoothed 30 day rolling mean predictions (red), overlaid on top of the prediction (green), true rolling mean (blue), and closing value (white). Right: Difference between the smoothed predictions and rolling mean (red), and predictions and rolling mean (green). The top lists the mean and standard deviation in the difference for the predictions (left), and for the smoothed differences (right).

As can be seen from Figures 5-7, this smooth and shift technique is a significant improvement from the predictions themself. Applying this to the smoothed data will result in a much more accurate rolling mean prediction, and thus, a more accurate predicted closing price.

This does raise the issue of our furthest prediction falling short of our 30 day limit. We can still use the 30 day prediction on the endpoint-it will just be incorporated with a higher uncertainty.

Next up: Results