Simulation Box Object

My experience in theoretical astrophysics working with big bang simulations proved vital for making an efficient simulation box object. Knowing how to reduce the number of calculations performed and how to safely parallelize processes are required for efficient programming of this kind.

The simulations box is an open box object that we embed the character object in. The open nature of the box allows characters to leave the boundaries on either side, IE if a character passes beyond the right boundary, it will appear on the left side of the box. We utilize a cell structure that restrict computations between characters to only those in the same or neighboring cells. This significantly reduces the number of calculations in the box, especially for vision and collision calculations. Additionally, the box imposes a maximum speed and maximum number of characters, to avoid explosions of calculations. The user can specify the timestep and runtime, as well as how often to output a snapshot. If there is no change between timesteps, the simulation will terminate.

The simulation box calls a set of character functions for each character, calling the function for all characters before moving to the next function. In order, these are: aging the characters, calculate the vision values, interpret the vision to update the speed and orientation, spawn new characters, update the character energy, and as a last step, move and eat. This is parallelized to run concurrently by cell, with the exception of the "move" step. Every function prior to this one can be calculated independent of the other characters, but during the move step we check for collisions, and thus each character needs the up-to-date position to avoid colliding with a character that is no longer there.

Character Object

The character objects are the representation of predator and prey in the simulation, where each is a subclass of the character class. The only difference is prey have an infinite static food source randomly distributed throughout the box, whereas the predators have a food source of the prey class.

The characters by default have a few intrinsic properties, including: positions x & y, radius (all are circle shaped), a name, and whether it is consumed (deleted) by what eats it. Additionally, there are a number of attributes that can be activated by the user, allowing extra functionality. These are listed below.

Tunable Character Parameters


  • age - True/False, whether the character ages
  • age_max - Maximum age of a character


  • energy - True/False, whether the character requires energy
  • energy_max - Maximum energy a character can have. When eats, gains max energy.
  • energy_time_delta - Amount of energy to subtract every second
  • energy_speed_delta - Amount of energy to subtract every second, multiplied by the fraction of speed over max speed


  • needs_food - True/False, whether the character eats
  • food_source - Name of the food the character eats
  • food_of - Name of what eats this character


  • vision - True/False, whether the character sees
  • eye_offset - Angle in radians to center the vision rays
  • eye_fov - Angle in radians providing the field of view on one side
  • eye_rays - Number of rays to fill the vision FOV with
  • eye_dist - How far out to measure vision, in simulation distance units
  • eye_objs - List of names of characters the character can see


  • brain - True/False, whether to create a MLP to translate vision to speed/orientation changes
  • brain_layers - List of number of nodes in each layer of the neural network
  • brain_weights - List of list of weights for each layer of the neural network
  • brain_biases - List of biases for each layer of the neural network
  • brain_AF - List of activation functions for each layer
  • complex_brain - True/False, whether to create more detailed neural network, allowing arbitrary combinations of MLPs, other variables for decision making
  • complex_brain_input_structure - List of strings containing character variable names, MLP files to include in the complex_brain
  • complex_brain_variables - List of strings containing character variables names in order of input into the complex_brain network.
  • complex_brain_nn_structure - List of number of nodes in each layer of the neural network that combines the input
  • save_brains - True/False, whether to save the brain files
  • brain_output_version - File name to save brain file
  • brain_output_version_date - True/False, whether to append the date to the file name
  • load_brains - True/False, whether to load the brain files
  • brain_input_version - File name to load brain file
  • learns - True/False, whether to use re-enforcement learning to adjust neural network weights
  • learning_max - Maximum allowable learning rate in brain weights, at age 0
  • learning_floor - Minimum allowable learning rate in brain weights, at age max
  • learning_halflife - Number of generations before learning rate cut in half (+ minimum)
  • X_move_reward - Reward multiplier for moving in the direction of object with name X while learning
  • X_orientation_reward - Reward multiplier for turning in the direction of object with name X while learning


  • spawns_fixed - True/False, whether or not to create a duplicate of this character at fixed time intervals
  • spawn_time_fixed - How long until spawn new character
  • new_spawn_delay - Offset to allow extra time before first spawn
  • spawn_energy_min - Minimum energy requirement for reproduction
  • spawn_energy_delta - Energy to subtract when spawns
  • mutation_max - Maximum allowable mutation rate in brain weights, at generation 0
  • mutation_floor - Minimum allowable mutation rate in brain weights, at generation inf
  • mutation_halflife - Number of generations before mutation rate cut in half (+ minimum)

Move on to the vision and NN training